Returning driver

Conditions for Reacquiring a Driving License

A driver whose driving license has been revoked or suspended must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Undergo a medical examination, where a doctor determines whether the driver should participate in:
    • An additional training program for safe driving, or
    • A rehabilitation program.
  • Obtain a new driving license upon presenting a certificate of completion for the specified program.
    Since October 1, 2011, drivers whose driving licenses have been revoked due to alcohol, illicit drugs, psychoactive medications, or other psychoactive substances must participate in a rehabilitation program.
Rehabilitation programs are categorized based on the committed offense:
  1. For drivers who have committed offenses such as speeding, running red lights, and other violations, an additional training program for safe driving is required.
  2. For offenses related to driving under the influence of alcohol, illicit drugs, psychoactive medications, or other psychoactive substances, the following programs are available:
  • Educational workshops (minimum of 6 pedagogical hours) are intended for individuals who, during the medical examination, are determined not to be among those who engage in risky and harmful drinking and have had a one-time occurrence of driving under exceptional circumstances related to alcohol. The workshops cover topics such as traffic psychology, road safety, risks of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, the importance of driver responsibility, and aim to educate drivers. Their goal is to raise awareness among participants regarding the impact of alcohol on driving ability. The workshop also includes planning behavioral changes regarding alcohol and driving.
  • Psychosocial workshops (minimum of 17 pedagogical hours) are intended for individuals who are determined, during the medical examination, to engage in risky and harmful drinking. The program includes an emotional approach and addresses possible consequences and ways to change behavior related to driving under the influence of alcohol. The emphasis is on topics such as road safety, risks of driving under the influence of alcohol, driver responsibility, and psychosocial relationships among traffic participants. The program aims to facilitate behavior change through the exchange of experiences, beliefs, and the reflection on past behavior, as well as planning future behavior changes.
  • Treatment program is intended for individuals who are determined, during the medical examination, to be dependent on alcohol. Holders of a valid driving license may voluntarily participate in a rehabilitation program once every two years from the first offense of driving under the influence of alcohol. Upon completion of the rehabilitation program, 4 penalty points are erased from the driver's record once every two years.
Obligations that accompany you on the path to obtaining a driving license:
  • Medical examination (valid for 3 years).
  • Additional training in Safe Driving or rehabilitation programs. The certificate of completion for the rehabilitation program or safe driving is valid for three months.
  • CPP course (to be completed at a driving school - valid for 3 years, 20 pedagogical hours). You can view the CPP course dates at the link below.
  • First Aid exam (Red Cross - permanent validity). The card confirming the completion of the First Aid exam is obtained at the Red Cross unit where the exam was previously taken.
  • Theoretical exam at the Examination Center (valid for 3 years).

NOTE: When a reacquiring driver registers for the theoretical part at the Administrative Unit Koper, they must provide, in addition to the medical certificate confirming the completion of the medical examination, evidence of completing the additional training program for safe driving (for speeding offenses) or the rehabilitation program (for drivers who committed offenses under the influence of alcohol, illicit drugs, or other psychoactive substances), first aid, and the driving record.

  • Practical training - driving (minimum of 20 moto hours).
  • Final practical knowledge test at the Examination Center.

Driving with an expired driving license based on a court decision is subject to a fine of 500 euros.